Monday, March 30, 2009

Going Wild

Dexton has begged and begged to go to this aquarium we heard about. So over spring break we finally made the trip. From the moment we got out of the car all we heard was "Can we see the sharks now?" We made our way over to the sharks and Dexton walked right passed them. They were only the little reef sharks not the bigger sharks shown on the website. Suffice to say Dexton asked again "Can we see the sharks now?"

Dee took Dexton and Connor on the log ride while we were there. They had a blast. It takes you into the aquarium underneath all the fish, when you come out you go down the water slide. They really lucked out not getting soaked like the others I saw go down.

The boys also got to feed and pet the giraffes. I never knew they had such long tonges. We had a lot of fun that day. And who knows maybe we'll go again.


Grammy Sue said...

How FUN!!! What wonderful memories to preserve on your blog! Keep up the great work. I can't wait to see all of you and go play.
Lots of Love Mom

Shemra said...

Your kids are getting so big!! I remember when you were pregnant with your fist and now he is huge!! Where does time go??